Soto icon



Service object for interacting with AWS RAM service.

public struct RAM: AWSService 

This is the Resource Access Manager API Reference. This documentation provides descriptions and syntax for each of the actions and data types in RAM. RAM is a service that helps you securely share your Amazon Web Services resources across Amazon Web Services accounts. If you have multiple Amazon Web Services accounts, you can use RAM to share those resources with other accounts. If you use Organizations to manage your accounts, then you share your resources with your organization or organizational units (OUs). For supported resource types, you can also share resources with individual Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles an users.

    <p>To learn more about RAM, see the following resources:</p>
                <a href="">Resource Access Manager product page</a>
              <a href="">Resource Access Manager User





Initialize the RAM client

public init(
        client: AWSClient,
        region: SotoCore.Region? = nil,
        partition: AWSPartition = .aws,
        endpoint: String? = nil,
        timeout: TimeAmount? = nil,
        byteBufferAllocator: ByteBufferAllocator = ByteBufferAllocator(),
        options: AWSServiceConfig.Options = []


  • client: AWSClient used to process requests
  • region: Region of server you want to communicate with. This will override the partition parameter.
  • partition: AWS partition where service resides, standard (.aws), china (.awscn), government (.awsusgov).
  • endpoint: Custom endpoint URL to use instead of standard AWS servers
  • timeout: Timeout value for HTTP requests


Initializer required by AWSService.with(middlewares:​timeout:​byteBufferAllocator:​options). You are not able to use this initializer directly as there are no public initializers for AWSServiceConfig.Patch. Please use AWSService.with(middlewares:​timeout:​byteBufferAllocator:​options) instead.

public init(from: RAM, patch: AWSServiceConfig.Patch) 



Client used for communication with AWS

public let client: AWSClient


Service configuration

public let config: AWSServiceConfig



public func acceptResourceShareInvitation(_ input: AcceptResourceShareInvitationRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<AcceptResourceShareInvitationResponse> 

Accepts an invitation to a resource share from another Amazon Web Services account. After you accept the invitation, the resources included in the resource share are available to interact with in the relevant Amazon Web Services Management Consoles and tools.


public func associateResourceShare(_ input: AssociateResourceShareRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<AssociateResourceShareResponse> 

Adds the specified list of principals and list of resources to a resource share. Principals that already have access to this resource share immediately receive access to the added resources. Newly added principals immediately receive access to the resources shared in this resource share.


public func associateResourceSharePermission(_ input: AssociateResourceSharePermissionRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<AssociateResourceSharePermissionResponse> 

Adds or replaces the RAM permission for a resource type included in a resource share. You can have exactly one permission associated with each resource type in the resource share. You can add a new RAM permission only if there are currently no resources of that resource type currently in the resource share.


public func createResourceShare(_ input: CreateResourceShareRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<CreateResourceShareResponse> 

Creates a resource share. You can provide a list of the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the resources that you want to share, a list of principals you want to share the resources with, and the permissions to grant those principals.

Sharing a resource makes it available for use by principals outside of the Amazon Web Services account that created the resource. Sharing doesn't change any permissions or quotas that apply to the resource in the account that created it.


public func deleteResourceShare(_ input: DeleteResourceShareRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<DeleteResourceShareResponse> 

Deletes the specified resource share. This doesn't delete any of the resources that were associated with the resource share; it only stops the sharing of those resources outside of the Amazon Web Services account that created them.


public func disassociateResourceShare(_ input: DisassociateResourceShareRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<DisassociateResourceShareResponse> 

Disassociates the specified principals or resources from the specified resource share.


public func disassociateResourceSharePermission(_ input: DisassociateResourceSharePermissionRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<DisassociateResourceSharePermissionResponse> 

Disassociates an RAM permission from a resource share. Permission changes take effect immediately. You can remove a RAM permission from a resource share only if there are currently no resources of the relevant resource type currently attached to the resource share.


public func enableSharingWithAwsOrganization(_ input: EnableSharingWithAwsOrganizationRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<EnableSharingWithAwsOrganizationResponse> 

Enables resource sharing within your organization in Organizations. Calling this operation enables RAM to retrieve information about the organization and its structure. This lets you share resources with all of the accounts in an organization by specifying the organization's ID, or all of the accounts in an organizational unit (OU) by specifying the OU's ID. Until you enable sharing within the organization, you can specify only individual Amazon Web Services accounts, or for supported resource types, IAM users and roles.

You must call this operation from an IAM user or role in the organization's management account.


public func getPermission(_ input: GetPermissionRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetPermissionResponse> 

Gets the contents of an RAM permission in JSON format.


public func getResourcePolicies(_ input: GetResourcePoliciesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetResourcePoliciesResponse> 

Retrieves the resource policies for the specified resources that you own and have shared.


public func getResourceShareAssociations(_ input: GetResourceShareAssociationsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetResourceShareAssociationsResponse> 

Retrieves the resource and principal associations for resource shares that you own.


public func getResourceShareInvitations(_ input: GetResourceShareInvitationsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetResourceShareInvitationsResponse> 

Retrieves details about invitations that you have received for resource shares.


public func getResourceShares(_ input: GetResourceSharesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetResourceSharesResponse> 

Retrieves details about the resource shares that you own or that are shared with you.


public func listPendingInvitationResources(_ input: ListPendingInvitationResourcesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListPendingInvitationResourcesResponse> 

Lists the resources in a resource share that is shared with you but for which the invitation is still PENDING. That means that you haven't accepted or rejected the invitation and the invitation hasn't expired.


public func listPermissionVersions(_ input: ListPermissionVersionsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListPermissionVersionsResponse> 

Lists the available versions of the specified RAM permission.


public func listPermissions(_ input: ListPermissionsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListPermissionsResponse> 

Retrieves a list of available RAM permissions that you can use for the supported resource types.


public func listPrincipals(_ input: ListPrincipalsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListPrincipalsResponse> 

Lists the principals that you are sharing resources with or that are sharing resources with you.


public func listResourceSharePermissions(_ input: ListResourceSharePermissionsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListResourceSharePermissionsResponse> 

Lists the RAM permissions that are associated with a resource share.


public func listResourceTypes(_ input: ListResourceTypesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListResourceTypesResponse> 

Lists the resource types that can be shared by RAM.


public func listResources(_ input: ListResourcesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListResourcesResponse> 

Lists the resources that you added to a resource share or the resources that are shared with you.


public func promoteResourceShareCreatedFromPolicy(_ input: PromoteResourceShareCreatedFromPolicyRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<PromoteResourceShareCreatedFromPolicyResponse> 

When you attach a resource-based permission policy to a resource, it automatically creates a resource share. However, resource shares created this way are visible only to the resource share owner, and the resource share can't be modified in RAM.

You can use this operation to promote the resource share to a full RAM resource share. When you promote a resource share, you can then manage the resource share in RAM and it becomes visible to all of the principals you shared it with.


public func rejectResourceShareInvitation(_ input: RejectResourceShareInvitationRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<RejectResourceShareInvitationResponse> 

Rejects an invitation to a resource share from another Amazon Web Services account.


public func tagResource(_ input: TagResourceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<TagResourceResponse> 

Adds the specified tag keys and values to the specified resource share. The tags are attached only to the resource share, not to the resources that are in the resource share.


public func untagResource(_ input: UntagResourceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<UntagResourceResponse> 

Removes the specified tag key and value pairs from the specified resource share.


public func updateResourceShare(_ input: UpdateResourceShareRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<UpdateResourceShareResponse> 

Modifies some of the properties of the specified resource share.


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func getResourcePoliciesPaginator(
        _ input: GetResourcePoliciesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<GetResourcePoliciesRequest, GetResourcePoliciesResponse> 

Retrieves the resource policies for the specified resources that you own and have shared.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func getResourceShareAssociationsPaginator(
        _ input: GetResourceShareAssociationsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<GetResourceShareAssociationsRequest, GetResourceShareAssociationsResponse> 

Retrieves the resource and principal associations for resource shares that you own.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func getResourceShareInvitationsPaginator(
        _ input: GetResourceShareInvitationsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<GetResourceShareInvitationsRequest, GetResourceShareInvitationsResponse> 

Retrieves details about invitations that you have received for resource shares.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func getResourceSharesPaginator(
        _ input: GetResourceSharesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<GetResourceSharesRequest, GetResourceSharesResponse> 

Retrieves details about the resource shares that you own or that are shared with you.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listPendingInvitationResourcesPaginator(
        _ input: ListPendingInvitationResourcesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListPendingInvitationResourcesRequest, ListPendingInvitationResourcesResponse> 

Lists the resources in a resource share that is shared with you but for which the invitation is still PENDING. That means that you haven't accepted or rejected the invitation and the invitation hasn't expired.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listPermissionVersionsPaginator(
        _ input: ListPermissionVersionsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListPermissionVersionsRequest, ListPermissionVersionsResponse> 

Lists the available versions of the specified RAM permission.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listPermissionsPaginator(
        _ input: ListPermissionsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListPermissionsRequest, ListPermissionsResponse> 

Retrieves a list of available RAM permissions that you can use for the supported resource types.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listPrincipalsPaginator(
        _ input: ListPrincipalsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListPrincipalsRequest, ListPrincipalsResponse> 

Lists the principals that you are sharing resources with or that are sharing resources with you.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listResourceSharePermissionsPaginator(
        _ input: ListResourceSharePermissionsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListResourceSharePermissionsRequest, ListResourceSharePermissionsResponse> 

Lists the RAM permissions that are associated with a resource share.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listResourceTypesPaginator(
        _ input: ListResourceTypesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListResourceTypesRequest, ListResourceTypesResponse> 

Lists the resource types that can be shared by RAM.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listResourcesPaginator(
        _ input: ListResourcesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListResourcesRequest, ListResourcesResponse> 

Lists the resources that you added to a resource share or the resources that are shared with you.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func getResourcePoliciesPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: GetResourcePoliciesRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, GetResourcePoliciesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves the resource policies for the specified resources that you own and have shared.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func getResourcePoliciesPaginator(
        _ input: GetResourcePoliciesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (GetResourcePoliciesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func getResourceShareAssociationsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: GetResourceShareAssociationsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, GetResourceShareAssociationsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves the resource and principal associations for resource shares that you own.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func getResourceShareAssociationsPaginator(
        _ input: GetResourceShareAssociationsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (GetResourceShareAssociationsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func getResourceShareInvitationsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: GetResourceShareInvitationsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, GetResourceShareInvitationsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves details about invitations that you have received for resource shares.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func getResourceShareInvitationsPaginator(
        _ input: GetResourceShareInvitationsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (GetResourceShareInvitationsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func getResourceSharesPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: GetResourceSharesRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, GetResourceSharesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves details about the resource shares that you own or that are shared with you.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func getResourceSharesPaginator(
        _ input: GetResourceSharesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (GetResourceSharesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listPendingInvitationResourcesPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListPendingInvitationResourcesRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListPendingInvitationResourcesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Lists the resources in a resource share that is shared with you but for which the invitation is still PENDING. That means that you haven't accepted or rejected the invitation and the invitation hasn't expired.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listPendingInvitationResourcesPaginator(
        _ input: ListPendingInvitationResourcesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListPendingInvitationResourcesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listPermissionVersionsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListPermissionVersionsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListPermissionVersionsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Lists the available versions of the specified RAM permission.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listPermissionVersionsPaginator(
        _ input: ListPermissionVersionsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListPermissionVersionsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listPermissionsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListPermissionsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListPermissionsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves a list of available RAM permissions that you can use for the supported resource types.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listPermissionsPaginator(
        _ input: ListPermissionsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListPermissionsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listPrincipalsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListPrincipalsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListPrincipalsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Lists the principals that you are sharing resources with or that are sharing resources with you.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listPrincipalsPaginator(
        _ input: ListPrincipalsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListPrincipalsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listResourceSharePermissionsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListResourceSharePermissionsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListResourceSharePermissionsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Lists the RAM permissions that are associated with a resource share.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listResourceSharePermissionsPaginator(
        _ input: ListResourceSharePermissionsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListResourceSharePermissionsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listResourceTypesPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListResourceTypesRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListResourceTypesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Lists the resource types that can be shared by RAM.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listResourceTypesPaginator(
        _ input: ListResourceTypesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListResourceTypesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listResourcesPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListResourcesRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListResourcesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Lists the resources that you added to a resource share or the resources that are shared with you.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listResourcesPaginator(
        _ input: ListResourcesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListResourcesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.