Soto icon



Service object for interacting with AWS Amp service.

public struct Amp: AWSService 

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus





Initialize the Amp client

public init(
        client: AWSClient,
        region: SotoCore.Region? = nil,
        partition: AWSPartition = .aws,
        endpoint: String? = nil,
        timeout: TimeAmount? = nil,
        byteBufferAllocator: ByteBufferAllocator = ByteBufferAllocator(),
        options: AWSServiceConfig.Options = []


  • client: AWSClient used to process requests
  • region: Region of server you want to communicate with. This will override the partition parameter.
  • partition: AWS partition where service resides, standard (.aws), china (.awscn), government (.awsusgov).
  • endpoint: Custom endpoint URL to use instead of standard AWS servers
  • timeout: Timeout value for HTTP requests


Initializer required by AWSService.with(middlewares:​timeout:​byteBufferAllocator:​options). You are not able to use this initializer directly as there are no public initializers for AWSServiceConfig.Patch. Please use AWSService.with(middlewares:​timeout:​byteBufferAllocator:​options) instead.

public init(from: Amp, patch: AWSServiceConfig.Patch) 



Client used for communication with AWS

public let client: AWSClient


Service configuration

public let config: AWSServiceConfig



Create an alert manager definition.

public func createAlertManagerDefinition(_ input: CreateAlertManagerDefinitionRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<CreateAlertManagerDefinitionResponse> 


Create a rule group namespace.

public func createRuleGroupsNamespace(_ input: CreateRuleGroupsNamespaceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<CreateRuleGroupsNamespaceResponse> 


Creates a new AMP workspace.

public func createWorkspace(_ input: CreateWorkspaceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<CreateWorkspaceResponse> 


Deletes an alert manager definition.

@discardableResult public func deleteAlertManagerDefinition(_ input: DeleteAlertManagerDefinitionRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


Delete a rule groups namespace.

@discardableResult public func deleteRuleGroupsNamespace(_ input: DeleteRuleGroupsNamespaceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


Deletes an AMP workspace.

@discardableResult public func deleteWorkspace(_ input: DeleteWorkspaceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


Describes an alert manager definition.

public func describeAlertManagerDefinition(_ input: DescribeAlertManagerDefinitionRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<DescribeAlertManagerDefinitionResponse> 


Describe a rule groups namespace.

public func describeRuleGroupsNamespace(_ input: DescribeRuleGroupsNamespaceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<DescribeRuleGroupsNamespaceResponse> 


Describes an existing AMP workspace.

public func describeWorkspace(_ input: DescribeWorkspaceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<DescribeWorkspaceResponse> 


Lists rule groups namespaces.

public func listRuleGroupsNamespaces(_ input: ListRuleGroupsNamespacesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListRuleGroupsNamespacesResponse> 


Lists the tags you have assigned to the resource.

public func listTagsForResource(_ input: ListTagsForResourceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListTagsForResourceResponse> 


Lists all AMP workspaces, including workspaces being created or deleted.

public func listWorkspaces(_ input: ListWorkspacesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListWorkspacesResponse> 


Update an alert manager definition.

public func putAlertManagerDefinition(_ input: PutAlertManagerDefinitionRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<PutAlertManagerDefinitionResponse> 


Update a rule groups namespace.

public func putRuleGroupsNamespace(_ input: PutRuleGroupsNamespaceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<PutRuleGroupsNamespaceResponse> 


Creates tags for the specified resource.

public func tagResource(_ input: TagResourceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<TagResourceResponse> 


Deletes tags from the specified resource.

public func untagResource(_ input: UntagResourceRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<UntagResourceResponse> 


Updates an AMP workspace alias.

@discardableResult public func updateWorkspaceAlias(_ input: UpdateWorkspaceAliasRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
Lists rule groups namespaces. Return PaginatorSequence for operation.
public func listRuleGroupsNamespacesPaginator(
        _ input: ListRuleGroupsNamespacesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListRuleGroupsNamespacesRequest, ListRuleGroupsNamespacesResponse> 


- input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
Lists all AMP workspaces, including workspaces being created or deleted. Return PaginatorSequence for operation.
public func listWorkspacesPaginator(
        _ input: ListWorkspacesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListWorkspacesRequest, ListWorkspacesResponse> 


- input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


Lists rule groups namespaces.

public func listRuleGroupsNamespacesPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListRuleGroupsNamespacesRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListRuleGroupsNamespacesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:_:) -> Result.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listRuleGroupsNamespacesPaginator(
        _ input: ListRuleGroupsNamespacesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListRuleGroupsNamespacesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Lists all AMP workspaces, including workspaces being created or deleted.

public func listWorkspacesPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListWorkspacesRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListWorkspacesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:_:) -> Result.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listWorkspacesPaginator(
        _ input: ListWorkspacesRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListWorkspacesResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Wait until a workspace reaches ACTIVE status

public func waitUntilWorkspaceActive(
        _ input: DescribeWorkspaceRequest,
        maxWaitTime: TimeAmount? = nil,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


Wait until a workspace reaches DELETED status

public func waitUntilWorkspaceDeleted(
        _ input: DescribeWorkspaceRequest,
        maxWaitTime: TimeAmount? = nil,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void>