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Service object for interacting with AWS EBS service.

public struct EBS: AWSService 

You can use the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) direct APIs to create Amazon EBS snapshots, write data directly to your snapshots, read data on your snapshots, and identify the differences or changes between two snapshots. If you’re an independent software vendor (ISV) who offers backup services for Amazon EBS, the EBS direct APIs make it more efficient and cost-effective to track incremental changes on your Amazon EBS volumes through snapshots. This can be done without having to create new volumes from snapshots, and then use Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances to compare the differences.

	    <p>You can create incremental snapshots directly from data on-premises into volumes and the 
		cloud to use for quick disaster recovery. With the ability to write and read snapshots, you can 
		write your on-premises data to an snapshot during a disaster. Then after recovery, you can 
		restore it back to Amazon Web Services or on-premises from the snapshot. You no longer need to build and 
		maintain complex mechanisms to copy data to and from Amazon EBS.</p>
    <p>This API reference provides detailed information about the actions, data types,
        parameters, and errors of the EBS direct APIs. For more information about the elements that
        make up the EBS direct APIs, and examples of how to use them effectively, see <a href="">Accessing the Contents of an Amazon EBS Snapshot</a> in the <i>Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User
            Guide</i>. For more information about the supported Amazon Web Services Regions, endpoints,
        and service quotas for the EBS direct APIs, see <a href="">Amazon Elastic Block Store Endpoints and Quotas</a> in
        the <i>Amazon Web Services General Reference</i>.</p>





Initialize the EBS client

public init(
        client: AWSClient,
        region: SotoCore.Region? = nil,
        partition: AWSPartition = .aws,
        endpoint: String? = nil,
        timeout: TimeAmount? = nil,
        byteBufferAllocator: ByteBufferAllocator = ByteBufferAllocator(),
        options: AWSServiceConfig.Options = []


  • client: AWSClient used to process requests
  • region: Region of server you want to communicate with. This will override the partition parameter.
  • partition: AWS partition where service resides, standard (.aws), china (.awscn), government (.awsusgov).
  • endpoint: Custom endpoint URL to use instead of standard AWS servers
  • timeout: Timeout value for HTTP requests


Initializer required by AWSService.with(middlewares:​timeout:​byteBufferAllocator:​options). You are not able to use this initializer directly as there are no public initializers for AWSServiceConfig.Patch. Please use AWSService.with(middlewares:​timeout:​byteBufferAllocator:​options) instead.

public init(from: EBS, patch: AWSServiceConfig.Patch) 



Client used for communication with AWS

public let client: AWSClient


Service configuration

public let config: AWSServiceConfig



public func completeSnapshot(_ input: CompleteSnapshotRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<CompleteSnapshotResponse> 

Seals and completes the snapshot after all of the required blocks of data have been written to it. Completing the snapshot changes the status to completed. You cannot write new blocks to a snapshot after it has been completed.


public func getSnapshotBlock(_ input: GetSnapshotBlockRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetSnapshotBlockResponse> 

Returns the data in a block in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.


public func listChangedBlocks(_ input: ListChangedBlocksRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListChangedBlocksResponse> 

Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.


public func listSnapshotBlocks(_ input: ListSnapshotBlocksRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListSnapshotBlocksResponse> 

Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.


public func putSnapshotBlock(_ input: PutSnapshotBlockRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<PutSnapshotBlockResponse> 

Writes a block of data to a snapshot. If the specified block contains data, the existing data is overwritten. The target snapshot must be in the pending state.

Data written to a snapshot must be aligned with 512-KiB sectors.


public func startSnapshot(_ input: StartSnapshotRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<StartSnapshotResponse> 

Creates a new Amazon EBS snapshot. The new snapshot enters the pending state after the request completes.

After creating the snapshot, use PutSnapshotBlock to write blocks of data to the snapshot.


public func getSnapshotBlockStreaming(_ input: GetSnapshotBlockRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil, _ stream: @escaping (ByteBuffer, EventLoop)->EventLoopFuture<Void>) -> EventLoopFuture<GetSnapshotBlockResponse> 

Returns the data in a block in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listChangedBlocksPaginator(
        _ input: ListChangedBlocksRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListChangedBlocksRequest, ListChangedBlocksResponse> 

Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listSnapshotBlocksPaginator(
        _ input: ListSnapshotBlocksRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListSnapshotBlocksRequest, ListSnapshotBlocksResponse> 

Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listChangedBlocksPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListChangedBlocksRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListChangedBlocksResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Returns information about the blocks that are different between two Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshots of the same volume/snapshot lineage.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listChangedBlocksPaginator(
        _ input: ListChangedBlocksRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListChangedBlocksResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listSnapshotBlocksPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListSnapshotBlocksRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListSnapshotBlocksResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Returns information about the blocks in an Amazon Elastic Block Store snapshot.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listSnapshotBlocksPaginator(
        _ input: ListSnapshotBlocksRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListSnapshotBlocksResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.