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Service object for interacting with AWS MigrationHubStrategy service.

public struct MigrationHubStrategy: AWSService 
Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations

This API reference provides descriptions, syntax, and other details about each of the actions and data types for Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations (Strategy Recommendations). The topic for each action shows the API request parameters and the response. Alternatively, you can use one of the AWS SDKs to access an API that is tailored to the programming language or platform that you're using. For more information, see AWS SDKs.





Initialize the MigrationHubStrategy client

public init(
        client: AWSClient,
        region: SotoCore.Region? = nil,
        partition: AWSPartition = .aws,
        endpoint: String? = nil,
        timeout: TimeAmount? = nil,
        byteBufferAllocator: ByteBufferAllocator = ByteBufferAllocator(),
        options: AWSServiceConfig.Options = []


  • client: AWSClient used to process requests
  • region: Region of server you want to communicate with. This will override the partition parameter.
  • partition: AWS partition where service resides, standard (.aws), china (.awscn), government (.awsusgov).
  • endpoint: Custom endpoint URL to use instead of standard AWS servers
  • timeout: Timeout value for HTTP requests


Initializer required by AWSService.with(middlewares:​timeout:​byteBufferAllocator:​options). You are not able to use this initializer directly as there are no public initializers for AWSServiceConfig.Patch. Please use AWSService.with(middlewares:​timeout:​byteBufferAllocator:​options) instead.

public init(from: MigrationHubStrategy, patch: AWSServiceConfig.Patch) 



Client used for communication with AWS

public let client: AWSClient


Service configuration

public let config: AWSServiceConfig



public func getApplicationComponentDetails(_ input: GetApplicationComponentDetailsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetApplicationComponentDetailsResponse> 

Retrieves details about an application component.


public func getApplicationComponentStrategies(_ input: GetApplicationComponentStrategiesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetApplicationComponentStrategiesResponse> 

Retrieves a list of all the recommended strategies and tools for an application component running on a server.


public func getAssessment(_ input: GetAssessmentRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetAssessmentResponse> 

Retrieves the status of an on-going assessment.


public func getImportFileTask(_ input: GetImportFileTaskRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetImportFileTaskResponse> 

Retrieves the details about a specific import task.


public func getPortfolioPreferences(_ input: GetPortfolioPreferencesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetPortfolioPreferencesResponse> 

Retrieves your migration and modernization preferences.


public func getPortfolioSummary(_ input: GetPortfolioSummaryRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetPortfolioSummaryResponse> 

Retrieves overall summary including the number of servers to rehost and the overall number of anti-patterns.


public func getRecommendationReportDetails(_ input: GetRecommendationReportDetailsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetRecommendationReportDetailsResponse> 

Retrieves detailed information about the specified recommendation report.


public func getServerDetails(_ input: GetServerDetailsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetServerDetailsResponse> 

Retrieves detailed information about a specified server.


public func getServerStrategies(_ input: GetServerStrategiesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<GetServerStrategiesResponse> 

Retrieves recommended strategies and tools for the specified server.


public func listApplicationComponents(_ input: ListApplicationComponentsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListApplicationComponentsResponse> 

Retrieves a list of all the application components (processes).


public func listCollectors(_ input: ListCollectorsRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListCollectorsResponse> 

Retrieves a list of all the installed collectors.


public func listImportFileTask(_ input: ListImportFileTaskRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListImportFileTaskResponse> 

Retrieves a list of all the imports performed.


public func listServers(_ input: ListServersRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<ListServersResponse> 

Returns a list of all the servers.


public func putPortfolioPreferences(_ input: PutPortfolioPreferencesRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<PutPortfolioPreferencesResponse> 

Saves the specified migration and modernization preferences.


public func startAssessment(_ input: StartAssessmentRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<StartAssessmentResponse> 

Starts the assessment of an on-premises environment.


public func startImportFileTask(_ input: StartImportFileTaskRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<StartImportFileTaskResponse> 

Starts a file import.


public func startRecommendationReportGeneration(_ input: StartRecommendationReportGenerationRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<StartRecommendationReportGenerationResponse> 

Starts generating a recommendation report.


public func stopAssessment(_ input: StopAssessmentRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<StopAssessmentResponse> 

Stops the assessment of an on-premises environment.


public func updateApplicationComponentConfig(_ input: UpdateApplicationComponentConfigRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<UpdateApplicationComponentConfigResponse> 

Updates the configuration of an application component.


public func updateServerConfig(_ input: UpdateServerConfigRequest, logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled, on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil) -> EventLoopFuture<UpdateServerConfigResponse> 

Updates the configuration of the specified server.


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func getServerDetailsPaginator(
        _ input: GetServerDetailsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<GetServerDetailsRequest, GetServerDetailsResponse> 

Retrieves detailed information about a specified server.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listApplicationComponentsPaginator(
        _ input: ListApplicationComponentsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListApplicationComponentsRequest, ListApplicationComponentsResponse> 

Retrieves a list of all the application components (processes).

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listCollectorsPaginator(
        _ input: ListCollectorsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListCollectorsRequest, ListCollectorsResponse> 

Retrieves a list of all the installed collectors.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listImportFileTaskPaginator(
        _ input: ListImportFileTaskRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListImportFileTaskRequest, ListImportFileTaskResponse> 

Retrieves a list of all the imports performed.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


compiler(>=5.5.2) && canImport(_Concurrency)
public func listServersPaginator(
        _ input: ListServersRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil
    ) -> AWSClient.PaginatorSequence<ListServersRequest, ListServersResponse> 

Returns a list of all the servers.

Return PaginatorSequence for operation. - Parameters: - input: Input for request - logger: Logger used flot logging - eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func getServerDetailsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: GetServerDetailsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, GetServerDetailsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves detailed information about a specified server.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func getServerDetailsPaginator(
        _ input: GetServerDetailsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (GetServerDetailsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listApplicationComponentsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListApplicationComponentsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListApplicationComponentsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves a list of all the application components (processes).


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listApplicationComponentsPaginator(
        _ input: ListApplicationComponentsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListApplicationComponentsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listCollectorsPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListCollectorsRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListCollectorsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves a list of all the installed collectors.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listCollectorsPaginator(
        _ input: ListCollectorsRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListCollectorsResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listImportFileTaskPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListImportFileTaskRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListImportFileTaskResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Retrieves a list of all the imports performed.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listImportFileTaskPaginator(
        _ input: ListImportFileTaskRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListImportFileTaskResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage for it to combine them into one result. This works in a similar manner to Array.reduce<Result>(_:​_:​) -> Result.

public func listServersPaginator<Result>(
        _ input: ListServersRequest,
        _ initialValue: Result,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (Result, ListServersResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<(Bool, Result)>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Result> 

Returns a list of all the servers.


  • input: Input for request
  • initialValue: The value to use as the initial accumulating value. initialValue is passed to onPage the first time it is called.
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each paginated response. It combines an accumulating result with the contents of response. This combined result is then returned along with a boolean indicating if the paginate operation should continue.


Provide paginated results to closure onPage.

public func listServersPaginator(
        _ input: ListServersRequest,
        logger: Logger = AWSClient.loggingDisabled,
        on eventLoop: EventLoop? = nil,
        onPage: @escaping (ListServersResponse, EventLoop) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool>
    ) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> 


  • input: Input for request
  • logger: Logger used flot logging
  • eventLoop: EventLoop to run this process on
  • onPage: closure called with each block of entries. Returns boolean indicating whether we should continue.