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Error Handling

Soto provides a variety of Error types. All errors that are formatted as expected are returned by Soto as an error conforming to the AWSErrorType protocol. This protocol provides an errorCode and an AWSErrorContext struct that contains additional information ie a message if it was provided, the http response status code and the http response headers.

SotoCore provides three error types conforming to AWSErrorType:

  • AWSClientError and AWSServerError: Thrown when one of a standard set of client errors occur. AWS provide documentation on these here. The client errors generate AWSClientError and the server errors generate a AWSServerError.
  • AWSResponseError: Thrown when the error code returned is unrecognised.

Code for responding to these errors could be as follows

do {
    try ...
} catch let error as AWSClientError where error == .accessDenied {
} catch let error as AWSServerError where error == .internalFailure {

If you want to respond to a number of errors from one type you could do the following

do {
    try ...
} catch let error as AWSClientError {
    switch error {
    case .accessDenied:
    case .optInRequired:
    case .missingAction:

If AWS returns an error without an error code then an AWSRawError is thrown. This contains the body of the HTTP response along with the AWSErrorContext object.


Each service has its own error type with errors specific to that service. They are named the service name with the suffix ErrorType. For instance when downloading a file from S3 you might want to deal with a number of errors specific to S3 in the following manner.

let request = S3.PutObjectRequest(
    bucket: "my-bucket", 
    key: "my-key"
do {
    try await s3.getObject(request)
} catch let error as S3ErrorType where error == .noSuchBucket {
    print("The bucket doesn't exist")
} catch let error as S3ErrorType where error == .noSuchKey {
    print("The file doesn't exist")


The AWS services are not consistent in how they respond to the same action. For instance if you try to connect to a service with an invalid AWS access key, DynamoDB will return a AWSClientError.unrecognizedClient, SNS will return a AWSClientError.invalidClientTokenId and S3 will return a AWSResponseError with error code set to "InvalidAccessKey". Your best bet in this situation is either catch the error in the debugger to verify what it is, or check the AWS documentation for that service.